

--- You can use your yap2phone account to call any other yap2phone user for free... contact 800 for more info or email sales --- Yap2Phone accounts can be used on IP phones and SIP/H323 devices... set your proxy to: "" --- To test our service for free, download and install our dialer, set the username and password to "yap2phone" and dial 800... for H323 devices use yap2phone@yap2phone ---

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)
First Name:
Last Name:   *
Choose Account/Username:  *
Choose Pin/Password:  *
Choose Virtual Number:  *
Assign Follow me Number:  *
Note: You will get an email concerning your username password virtual number and the assigned follow me number.
Company Name:   *
Country:   *
City:  *
Street:  *

Address: *
Country Code: *
Area Code: *
Phone Number: *
Mobile Code: *
Mobile Number: *
Day Phone Number: *
Night Phone Number: *
E-mail: *
MSN/Hotmail ID: *
Yahoo ID:
Skype ID:
Web Site:
How did you learn about us? *
Additional Comments:



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Note: When dialing don't use "00" or "011" just put the country code the area code and the destination number              (ex. 1 661 4660301 ).



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